We have had a great time this week moving, twisting and shouting, too!! We have danced,  crawled, jumped, hopped, you name it and we've done it.  We danced to some of Ms. Debi's favorite oldies tunes as well as to some newer tunes such as the Cupid Shuffle, played musical hoola hoops, had an obstacle course and made some movement equipment.

With the tights or pantyhose we made an Easy Ball.  It has a balloon in the top and the legs are tied together.  This is a great activity for you to use with your camper.   You swing the ball by the legs and let the child catch the ball.  Very young children catch with their whole arms and their body.  As children mature they begin catching with just their hands.   You can also hang it on a line outside and let the child bat at it with their hands.  When the balloon pops, you can replace it with an inexpensive ball that will last a little longer.

With the milk jugs we made a tossing/catching game.  Toss up the rolled up pair of socks and let the child catch it in the open milk jug.  Cut a milk jug for yourself and you can have loads of fun tossing the socks back and forth.

Both of these activities help children develop their eye-hand coordination as well as their gross (large) muscle skills.  It helps strengthen the core of their bodies which they need as they begin developing handwriting skills.

I have really enjoyed working with your campers this week and hope they have had as much fun as I have!!!!!

Moving on,
Ms Debi

Tell us...What did you like about camp this week?
6/13/2013 01:49:58 am

I loved dancing, walking on the balance beam and laughing with my friends.


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